Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance
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2277 Highway 36 West, Suite 200 Roseville, MN 55113-3830
Phone: 612-378-2742
Toll Free: 1-800-669-6442
Fax: 612-378-2789
Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

About Brain Injury

Surviving Brain Injury, Relearning and Living
by Helen Sullivan

I was devastated after a horrible accident of being hit by car going 50 mph, more than a year ago. It left me with a hip replacement and a brain injury. The first six week I was comatose and then had to learn all over again. I do not remember my surgery, pain, or the air plane ride to the hospital.

One morning I woke up about 6:30 a.m. and a voice was saying to me: "Helen, you must get up and walk or you'll never get our of this hospital. I want you to go back to Brainerd and tell the church members: 'I am coming soon.' " I could not see anyone around my bed, but only notice that I was in the hospital. This was my first memory after the accident.

My daughters from Brainerd, Seattle, and Saudi Arabia had been there with me in the first six weeks. And my two brothers from Nebraska and Colorado were there, but I do not remember seeing any of them. I've been told they encouraged me and prayed for me. I received more than 300 cards and many phone calls.

Yes, I have come a long way in the last 13 months. After all the 24-hour care, surgery, and therapy I learned how to walk, feed and care for myself. I am now independent. God has been good! My doctors and therapists call me the "miracle lady."

My neighbor said yesterday, "Even though you lost your hip and had brain injuries you can still be a gardener, a people gardener, since you worked as a nurse for 30 years you know how to garden people, Helen. And you must now tell people how God saved your life and encourage others."

I have gone through many stages: comatose, surgery, dizziness, depression and all the stages of brain injury recovery. All I can say is, "keep active and trust in Jesus for his help." And my family had a lot to do with my rehabilitation. Thanks to all!

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Copyright © 2024 Minnesota Brain Injury Alliance
2277 Highway 36 West, Suite 200 | Roseville, MN 55113-3830 | Phone: 612-378-2742 or 800-669-6442